Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Free Books and a little Intellectual Homework

All on your schedule!

I have been reviewing books for the Catholic Company's Book Reviewer program for a couple of months now. My second review comes out tomorrow on The Contrarian's Review. They are looking for more people who would be interested in the project, so head on over and check it out!

I'm not the only one...

Who has questions and advice about diapers. See Danielle Bean's Coffee Talk Tuesday

Friday, October 10, 2008

What's the Deal with Diapers??

I have a constant sense of guilt about using name brand diapers. It just doesn't seem to fit in with all of my attempts at a frugal lifestyle. But here's the thing. The store brands leak. Period. I want them to be as good. I want them to at least be usable. But in addition to being not as soft, not as flexible not as sturdy (like the little sticky tabs rip off when you try to use them!) they just don't hold up to your average baby mess.

Every time I go buy diapers I find myself in a moral quandary. The name brand diapers are actually fully twice as expensive. Now and then I give in to the temptation to save half my money and buy a package of store brand diapers. Maybe they weren't really that bad. Maybe now that he's a different shape they will work better. I try to convince myself. But it's not true. They are BAD. They don't work, and my baby ends up covered in his own waste, and I end up way more laundry to wash, some of which will never be clean again. And so I pay double for Huggies. (I was buying Pampers, but they support Unicef with God only knows what.)

The other option of course would be cloth diapers, but I have heard, that the cost of cloth diapers is actually comparable because of extra laundering costs. I try my best to believe that, even though it is very hard.

Any ideas? I'm sure many of you have pondered this topic as well.