Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I am 38% of the way through my pregnancy and it is 95 degrees outside. I am not sure which of these facts is making it SOOO hard for me to keep my eyes open!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Stroller Dilema

Having spent more time than I care to admit thinking this question over. I have decided that it is time to share it with the broader public.

Are you ready? ?

**How many strollers does one growing family need?**

You see, I have an umbrella stroller in each car trunk (of which there are two) one of which has a bum wheel (very annoying). I also have a more heavy duty stroller that lives on the porch and is used primarily for exploring the neighborhood. I ALSO have a universal infant seat carrier which is currently living way back in the closet under the stairs, obviously obsolete for my current needs, but with an infant on the way I can't make up my mind to get rid of it.

Now for those of you who can't believe that one crazy woman would actually BUY 4 strollers in 15 months, don't worry! I only paid a total of about $60 for all of them combined. So far, so good, but the problem is that once the new baby comes I'm going to want a DOUBLE stroller right? Should that replace one or two or three that I already have? Or just add to my already surprisingly large collection?

Part of me was thinking that if I found a double stroller I could get rid of the infant seat carrier because you can carry an infant seat in a double stroller, right? Would I want to do that? Is it even safe? What if I wanted to go out sometimes with JUST the infant? Would the double stroller seam cumbersome? Should a double stroller replace the stroller on the porch, assuming that the baby will always join in the neighborhood jaunts? What about the umbrella strollers? Are they pretty well useless with two?

Honestly, at this point I am tempted to keep my eyes out for a nice inexpensive-to-free double stroller AND keep all my other four, but that makes part of me feel acquisitive and selfish, bogged down in strollers! Could one possibly really NEED 5 strollers???

Help! What do you suggest?!