Monday, September 14, 2009

Swiffer Update

So, having Swiffered under my sofa, and around my rugs, and under the radiators (hehehe) I am sorry to report that the store brand Swiffer wet pads simply don't measure up. They are a pathetic imitation of the original. It's funny, you would think to look at them that whoever designed them had never actually seen a Swiffer pad. Anyway, my vote is to spend the extra $1.50 and get the real thing which fits the mop better, is wetter, smells better and has little ridges that pick up dirt and a little ruffer strip on one edge.

I have a confession...

I bought another mop. And no, it is not to replace my lovely roller mop. I still love that, and my kitchen and bathroom floors have never been cleaner. In general. Not right now. Right now I should be mopping them.

My NEW purchase is a Swiffer Sweeper. And I feel a little sheepish about it. I have always turned my nose up at Swiffers. Aren't they for...well, you know, Fake cleaning?

But here is the thing: For the last several weeks I have been feeling guilty about my upstairs bedroom floors because since I've lived here (just under a year) I have NEVER mopped them. I do sweep them regularly, but the idea of carrying a mop and bucket up the stairs and mopping around and under all that furniture: beds, rockers, cribs, dressers, etc. was just plain daunting. Last weekend, my in-laws were here helping up scrape wallpaper and plaster the master bedroom which caused copious amounts of dust to be tracked all over the upstairs. Since this project will not be finished for some time, I have plaster footprints to look forward to for weeks to come. As we were looking at the mess and discussing the mop and bucket, my mother-in-law suggested a Swiffer. And that is when it dawned on me. Yes! a Swiffer is ridiculous in the kitchen, but it is just about perfect for wooden bedroom floors!

I bought said Swiffer on Saturday evening (for $10, I didn't realize they were so inexpensive! and I bought 12 replacement, store brand, wet pads for $3.50. I will let you know if I notice a difference.) and had to really fight the temptation to do unnecessary servile labor all day Sunday! This morning I got right on it and was really delighted by how it worked. It was so easy to get all the way under the bed and dresser in the guest room picking up all those little dust bunnies which scamper away from the straw broom. Unfortunately, it works less well in the nursery since that floor is what you might call "distressed" with a coat of red paint slapped on top. I am afraid no mop would work that well in there since the floor is so uneven. However, the Swiffer did get up the fine layer of dust that was settled under the crib, so that was good. I then moved on to the construction zone clearing a dust free path from the door to my dresser, so that I could retrieve my clothes without tracking up the other floors. Yes, I am well pleased.

I think I might go Swiffer under the sofa...This pregnant lady is enjoying her new cleaning supplies!! :P