Friday, November 21, 2008

This one is for you Liz!

Chicken thighs, after baking for over 4 hours. Oops.

Please Excuse Me

I have not written a blog post in over a month, which coming so soon after I began this endeavour, bodes ill for the future of my blog. However, I have THOUGHT about blogging. In fact I have several posts all planned out. I just haven't been quite organized enough to gather all the things together that I would need to write said posts. Things like my camera, my computer and Internet access have been missing lately. What? Why? How? could anything so horrible happen to a dedicated blogger like me?

Well actually, it hasn't been horrible at all. All of the upheaval has been due to the fact that we found a new home. We packed up our sweet little cottage

(This picture didn't come out exactly as I had hoped. It was a lovely fall sunset...)

and joined the big people! I thought this would be relatively little trouble. We've only been married just over a year. I was used to moving all my stuff around the country on a regular basis for school. I knew that we had somewhat more stuff but surely not THAT much more stuff. While I am still sure that our move was very little trouble relative to many people out there, it was WAY more trouble than I imagined it to be.

However, with tons of help from friends and family, we are now here, and very nearly moved in. I have found my computer and my camera, and even obtained Internet access. So now, I would like to show you my new home! Just a couple pictures for now.

First is My kitchen, isn't it cute and cosy in a retro sort of way??

Notice the gas stove?? Isn't it amazing?? I love it! The burner flames are huge and easily adjustable and you can get them really really low without it going out. The broiler is all spiffy clean like I've never seen a broiler before and it slides out with such well oiled ease: it makes my heart glad.

This HUGE, sparkly, white, double-sided porcelain sink. This is truly one of the best parts of my new home.

The bright, sunny living room. It is a tad messy, but I like these pictures anyway.

And here is just a hint of what I've been working on...I'll tell you all about THAT later.