Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real.

tiny blog chickens2-2 
Happy Easter!
This is my pretty picture, but also my real one.  Note that Jack is not wearing the dress shirt I searched every store in the greater Fitchburg area to find and Ann has lost her bow and her shoes, and John lost his beard!  Oops.  And of course, Jack is not looking.  He is busy escaping.

Can you believe how much they've grown since last year??

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real.

I know I am late joining the linky party, but I had stomach flu and had a very difficult time getting the button to work,  Thanks, Leila for the tutorial!  I was using the older editor...

Pretty Girl: dancing while she eats

Happy Siblings: enjoying each other's company

Funny Fashion Sense: fresh from the bath

Real Boy

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Three Feet Deep in Snow

Ever since our second big snow in December, Jack has not been able to play outside. The snow was fun the first time, we made snow angles and snow balls and half-hearted snow men. After that it came up past his knees and he informed me from his position, unable to move from the drift in which I had dropped him, that he did "not like this." Since then the snow has only increased.

Earlier this week, in desperate need of milk and laundry detergent I packed the kids into their snow suits and shoved their puffy snow-suited selves down into the straps of their car seats. I then spent about fifteen fruitless minutes trying to back out of the freshly shoveled driveway, as Jack commented curiously on my efforts. That is about when he noticed the backyard: heaps and drifts and piles of snow with the top six inches of fence sticking out in some places and not in others. "Oh no!" he said, "The backyard is Broken!"