Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Of Banana Bread

Banana Bread is one of my favorite things. Especially when it's made with bran and whole wheat flour it is wholesome and sweet and appropriate for breakfast, snacks, desserts, or, my favorite, with a cup of tea.

I have learned two things about banana bread that I think are worth sharing. You know how your bananas never go bad in the necessary group of 4? At least mine never do. I always end up with 2-3 soft bananas which is just not enough. I used to hide the last 4 bananas to ensure that I would have the right number, but then I learned this trick.

Are you ready???

...One can freeze them.

Now if I don't have enough bananas, or even if it's just not a good time for bread making, I stick them in the freezer! Sometimes I accumulate quite a stock before I pull them out to use. Then I just sit them on the counter in a dish (they get pretty runny, so a dish is necessary) and wait for them to get soft. Once they thaw they slip quite easily out of their skins and ta-da! You're ready to go!

Trick number two: if you don't want to wait till you have 4 bananas, try making up the lack with applesauce. I tried this recently and it worked like a charm. The bread did not taste apple-y, but it was nice and moist and sweet.

Now, a little bonus:

I use the generic raisin bran which comes with a slightly different recipe, but I found this one on the Kellogg's website which ought to be just as good! (let me know if it's not ;))