Friday, October 30, 2009

It's Just a Dog

This video that my husband showed me on Hulu reminded me of Mary's recent post Dog Mania.

I have an excellent OB...

he is a world famous Catholic man. Very gentle and kind and loves his job. He occasionally has to leave town to go give a talk at the Vatican or some such nonsense and when that happens in the month that you're baby is due it kind of stinks, but unless he's out of town he delivers all of his own babies.

Like the rest of us, however, he has his days. Like Tuesday.

I went in for my regular monthly appointment and he looked at my chart and said "Let's see, you weigh (insert a very reasonable weight here) today...and how much did you weigh last time...Oh, (an even more modest figure)...and that was...Oh! Only three weeks ago! Wow!" And I sat there. Feeling fat and sheepish, but trying to look composed and unconcerned.

Next we discussed the Swine Flu, listened to the babies heart beat and then I mentioned having some back pain. So he took a look at my back and got very excited about demonstrating what he found. He stood in front of me and said, "See, your hip is kind of turned in like this and then your back is over compensating like this and so then one shoulder is higher like this!" Unfortunately I was not forward thinking enough to take a picture of what he looked like at this point, but insert a mental image of the Hunchback of Notre Damn. Thanks.

"And your ankle hurts too? Let's take a look." He moved my ankle this way and that, pressed it here and pressed it there and his comment: "My, you do have very large feet for a lady, don't you?"

Strike three! I'm going home! If I can manage it, fat, hunchbacked and swell-footed...

If you need fabric in a hurry...

I ordered some from The Attic Window Quilt Shoppe on Monday and it arrived on Wednesday! I was so surprised. Unfortunately, they do not seem to sell much by way of notions.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I read this little story today (a conversation with a young boy), and it was hysterical, so I thought I'd pass it on.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fabric Swap

Have you all made it over to Like Mother, Like Daughter to check out the fabric swap??

I have met some lovely Internet people there, and one woman offered to send me fabric from Queensland!