Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real.

tiny blog chickens2-2 
Happy Easter!
This is my pretty picture, but also my real one.  Note that Jack is not wearing the dress shirt I searched every store in the greater Fitchburg area to find and Ann has lost her bow and her shoes, and John lost his beard!  Oops.  And of course, Jack is not looking.  He is busy escaping.

Can you believe how much they've grown since last year??


Miri said...

Gorgeous! Your family is just beautiful and I love to see the difference a year makes.

Amy DM said...

Photo retrospectives are wonderful.

Pippajo said...

Lovely (the shots and the family)! Kids grow up way too quickly!

P.S. I meant to comment quite a while ago but was away and at a strange computer that wouldn't let me leave comments...nice to "meet" you!